
Welcome to my site.

I am a technology enthusiast and have been logging my tech related adventures here.

2013 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 advertisement ai/ml Android ar attribution augmented reality BLE cloud-crawling cloud bursting cloud computing cloud crawling cloud native datascience innovation ios marketing mobile app moving product projects public storage storage uhaul virtual reality vr wearable

Flow blockchain

Some of my work at Flow

1. Building a More Utilitarian Version of the Gig Economy on Web3
2. Three amazing things I have learned working for Flow
3. Web2 vs Web3 trust model

Product blogs
1. Network upgrade June 2023
2. Network upgrade January 2023
3. Archive node launch
4. Observer node launch


data science
  • my data science journey so far
    I find data science, big data and ai/ml extremely interesting and have had an opportunity to work on several interesting projects in those fields. This is a short summary of my journey so far. I am sure there is lot more to come 😊
  • Using machine learning to achieve consonance in social media content
    As sentient beings our consciousness is supported by all our five senses working together creating a holistic impression of our world such that the whole is greater than the sum of each. Hence it is not surprising that when we see an image its emotional impact on our mind is exaggerated if combined with music […]


cloud computing
  • Cloud Crawling – How tomorrow’s cloud native application may operate (Part 2)
    This article is continuation of Part 1. The cloud crawling solution provides a novel method of realizing a cloud-based architecture in which an enterprise can utilize clouds from different vendors across the world to locate its application, data and assets closer to the end user. In this article, I present a conceptual solution for it. […]
  • Cloud Crawling – How tomorrow’s cloud native application may operate
    Introduction With the proliferation of cloud technologies, computing resources, storage resources and even streaming resources have been almost reduced to a commodity which can be reserved, utilized and then relinquished in real-time without the need of exclusive ownership. Currently a handful of cloud vendors such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google dominate the cloud computing landscape […]

  • On-demand BLE Beacon: Bringing the online advertising model in-store
    Online advertising uses a very mature pricing model consisting of CPC (Cost Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per thousand iMpressions). This is mainly because the digital medium makes it easy to record ad impressions and most importantly record user interest which is expressed explicitly by clicking an ad. This concept of registering user interest can […]
  • Slingband
    control at you fingertips Created a concept of a flexible sports wearable that brings smartphone control to your fingertips letting you focus on your activity without any interruptions (2016)

mobile app
  • mewannaplay
    My first entrepreneurship stint – mewannawplay – a mobile app to find free neighborhood tennis courts. We built it to alleviate the pain of finding a unoccupied public tennis court. Screenshots Pitch MeWannaPlay (MWP) for Tennis is a cool new way to connect with tennis courts near you. Don’t waste time driving around your neighborhood […]